Hiking to Josef's Table
Are you ready to hike? Cap, hiking stick, backpack with water (and
emergency items), camera, comfortable clothing, hiking shoes and phone?
OK, let's par...
Scott Radke
Sochař *SCOTT RADKE* dává tvary svým strachům a nevysloveným emocím
prostřednictvím bytostí, které jsou bizarní a znepokojivé, provedení je ale
tak zajím...
Freebie - Calendar 2024
Hello friends. It's been a long time since I last posted, but I'm always
back, no matter what. I'd love to have created more crafts during the
Holiday se...
~ Be the Light~
*Now is the time to stand in your truth and be the light!*
*You don't have to comply with group thinking or mass*
*hysteria. They are old traps to trigge...
Homeschooling: Week One
So, ready or not . . . we started school this last week. And everyone is
still speaking to one another. That's a good thing. I'd say in the four
days we've...
Nyt Greengate
Den nye “Midseason Summer 2020” fra Greengate er fuldstændig fantastisk,
er så forelsket.
Kom derfor til at gå lidt amok hos www.detsoedehjem.dk og www.aa...
Stormy Sky Shawl
Sice je pořád zima, i když to někdy tak podle pohledu z okna nevypadá.....
ale proč si nepřivolat jaro a nepřipravit se na teplejší dny.
Krásný šátek -
In Peace . . .
D. Eileen White
6/3/1923 ~ 1/13/2020
*Miss Me ~ But Let Me Go*
When I come to the end of the road
and the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom ...
Raně barokní zámek nabízí k prohlídce autenticky vybavené místnosti
posledních šlechtických majitelů a prostory pro služebnictvo.
Svoji současnou podobu z...
Z Vánoc....
Krásný večer,
přeji vše dobré v novém roce 2020, hlavně hodně štěstí, zdraví a pohody.
Malé ohlédnutí od nás z Vánoc.......
Nad kamna jsem pověsila št...
Riccio, our new knitted friend
Per quanto la mia vita sia davvero strapiena e le mie giornate, spesso,
passino senza che io abbia un attimo, un solo attimo, per prender fiato (da
cui la...
~*New News!~
Hello Dear Friends!
Have you received your new copy of Wool Works Magazine? It is out!
~*Willa Witch*~ is the pattern I created for this Fall Issue. I...
Gorjuss My story - pokračování
*Krásný dobrý den moji milí,*
*stále jsem okouzlena a nadšena z nové kolekce *
*a vznikají nové a nové věcičky s nádhernou panenkou Gorj...
Here It Is the Middle of May
Hello Friends! First let me preface this entire post by saying I honestly
do not know what happened to April. I missed the entire month and did not
get a...
Shine bright like a Diamond...
... Tischdekoideen zur
Diamntenen Hochzeit.
Als erstes wäre ja mal zu sagen,
dass ich es nicht mehr schaffen
werde, 60 Jahre mit meinem Mann
So Honored!!! On the Cover of PRIMS
I know it's been awhile, again. It's been a crazy busy fall. I wanted to
share, you can find me on my business page on FB... I don't believe you
have t...
Free Tutorial - Christmas Angels Paper Dolls
You know, it's never too early to get started on your Christmas crafting,
so here's a fun little project I created to get you and your kids
inspired! Thes...
Tickets here....
Have you always wanted to paint your own furniture but are too afraid?
Bring yo...
Auch bei mir gibt es heute eine Pfingstrose zum Flowerday.
Ganz frisch aus Mama´s Garten!
Habe sie bewußt so kurz geschnitten, da ich sie in meine Beton...
Summer Leaf
I ended up finishing my punchneedle leaf into a needlebook. I'm so pleased
with how it turned out. I added a little brown bone ring on the end...just
Ein Osterhühnchen
Gerade ist ein Tilda-Huhn frisch von der Nähmaschine gehüpft...
Hiermit wünsche ich Euch FROHE OSTERN!!!
Liebste Grüsse,
Eure Silvi
Custom Work List
Just a quick note to let you know that I am starting a Custom Work Request
*Serious Inquiries only please*
Hope I am not getting myself into troubl...
да уж)))
не брасайте тапками (и прочей домашней утварью))) в меня, каюсь, давненько
не заглядывала сюда!!! Вот мой отчётик о проделанной работе)))
ну надо же ...
FIND YOUR FADE - od A do Z :-)
Zatím největší šátek co mám... :-)
Dělal mi společníka na několika dovolených, od Šumavy až po moře. Tentokrát
jsem si vlnu sama barvila i seskala...
Canterbury Shaker Village NH
On Oct 13 we were able to visit an original Shaker Village near Canterbury
It was a beautiful fall day so it was lovely to wander around the various ...
"Home Sweet Home" at Highland Yard Vintage
As I shared earlier in the month, I am now a vendor at Highland Yard
Vintage, a monthly market that takes place in Chandler Az. I am thrilled to
be in th...
New Etsy Listings......
*Happy Monday!! It sure is going to be a hot one today. I just love the
warmer weather and the sunshine!! I just wanted to let you know that I will
be lis...
Just wanted to drop in to wish you all a Happy Halloween! Just
sharing a few past Halloween creations with you! Enjoy your night and be
Развороты для книжек
Сюда буду кидать все развороты для книжек, чтоб иметь под рукой.
Стоимость разворота стандартного размера в среднем 150 грн, большого (20х20
см) 200 грн, п...
viel gestrickt und eine neue Liebe gefunden :o)
Hallo ihr Lieben,
lange hab ich nichts von mir hören lassen, dafür bekommt ihr jetzt die
geballte Ladung dessen zu sehen, was bei mir in den letzten Wo...
shabby LOVE Patchworkkissen
Es gibt eine neue sehr schöne Stickdatei von Ginihouse3 namens shabby LOVE.
Die Motive sind alle so traumhaft schön und nicht für die kleinen, sondern
I currently have a boy bunny with his crow and carrots listed on Ebay. The
auction will last until Sunday evening. Hope you can take a peek at him.
My pla...
Valentine's Day Meal Idea: Heart Shaped Pizza
[image: Valentine's Day Meal Idea: Heart Shaped Pizza]
Hey guys,I'm going to show you guys how to make your own heart shaped pizza
which is super cute! You ...
Share Your Style #48
Hi there friends...Welcome back to this weeks Share Your Style!!
[image: photo signature_zpsc1c28298.png]
Barbara @ 21 Rosemary Lane
Lynn @ T...
ГОТОВ и ПРОДАЁТСЯ Мастер-Класс по созданию
Можно уже начать создавать подарки близким к Новому году !!!
Цена МК: 200 ...
It's Been A Long Time!
It has been such a long time since I have posted to my blog! Like all good
intentions I hope to do much better in the coming months.
I can hardly belie...
Early autumn
A few eventful months later, and I am slowly beginning to realize autumn is
very near.
I am extremely happy with the beautiful weather we have had and st...
Oravský Háj......
Toto leto sme sa pred úmornými tropickými teplotami schovali pár
dní na Orave. Pobyt sme si vyberali ešte v júni a to s malou dušičkou, že
či ...
I've been away much too long!
After being away from my blog for quite some time I thought I needed to
get back into it because I've missed it and all of my blog friends.
Hopefully ...
Lebst Du schon oder träumst Du noch???
Heute wird's privat… hehe…
Na ja, ich meine, ich schreibe hier meist über kreative Dinge und halte das
Private eher raus…
Heute mal nicht ;)
Nichts Ernst...
Teeny tiny Whoopie pies!
For your pleasure....not snacking pleasure, but another sort of pleasure....
Tiny whoopie pies:
Served with chocolate curl and whipped cream!
On Etsy!...
Hallo ihr Lieben!
Viel Zeit ist seit meinem letzten Post vergangen und es ist irgendwie
schwer, einen Anfang zu finden...
In der Zwischenzeit ist einiges ...
Remember Me?!
Hi friends, remember me? I've been hit and miss for the past couple of
years and MISSING you all like crazy! I've been cleaning up my blog this
week. G...
Oj det var längesedan........................
Oj vad längesedan jag var inne på min blogg.Men det blir väll så ibland,man
prioriterar andra saker.Men nu ska jag försöka vara lite mer aktiv,framför
Hallo im "neuen" Jahr!
Hallo Mädels,
herrje, war ich lange nicht hier!! 2 Monate sind vergangen und wir haben
schon ein neues Jahr. Da es nicht mehr so wirklich neu ist, kommt d...
Its been so long since I posted....life just got in the way. I have had a
bit of a rough time with my congestive heart failure and COPD,and then in
Aug I ...
Giveaway From Handmade Artisan Connection.
Free Six Month Listing for your Handmade Shop on the Handmade Artisan
Enter to win:
Going Home...
Mr D had a quiet and peaceful Homecoming on Tuesday evening, July 16. God
gave me the gift of seeing him draw his last two breaths. As a family, we
were in...
Il giardino segreto
[image: DSC_0110]
Avevo un mio giardino segreto, ma è stato una vita fa.
Non era bellissimo, ma era misterioso, abbandonato, un po’ cupo,
non desider...
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