Всем привет! С Новым Годом поздравляю!
Я наконец добралась до блога, простите за долгое отсутствие новостей. С детьми сами знаете как... :)
Вот такие Тильда мышки у меня пошились к Новому Году, пока доча гуляла с бабушкой!
Hi everyone! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you!
I'm finally posting something new her :)
I made these cute tilda mice for Christmas while my mom was walking in the park with my baby. There are more pictures below.
А вот новые фоточки Сонечки. Ей уже 4 с половиной месяца. Очень быстро мы растём. Маме времени свободного совсем не даём! :)
And here are some new pictures of Sofie. She is growing so fast! She is 4 and a half months now.
С Новым Годом! С новым Счастьем! И с наступающим Рождеством!
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! God bless you all!

Sweet little baby. Love your Tilda mice..
Thank you! :)
The Tilda Christmas mice are totally adorable Anastasia... as is little Sofie.
I'm delighted to be featuring this post on Shabbilicious Friday tomorrow. Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Hello Anastasia, I saw your Tilda Mice on Kerryanne's post.
I had to come right over and tell you I think they are the cutest things ever! Oh my they are precious and so well done.
I am glad you shared them and I was able to see them! Such beautiful work you do. Blessings to you, Karen O in CO USA
Almost forgot to tell you, you have such a wonderful baby! She is beautiful~
Thank you, Karen!!! :)
She is so precious and I know she is growing by leaps and bounds. I love your mice and hope you have a wonderful year with your sweet baby. Hugs, Diane
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