Всем привет! Сегодня ходили гулять с дочей. Сделала несколько интересных кадров. Хочу поделиться. Сонечка наша уже пробует ходить, может стоять подолгу, не держась. Это сегодняшние фотографии. Здесь нам 9 с половиной месяцев. Пока я фотала, на неё напала печалька :)
А ниже несколько кадров, где ей 8 и 7 месяцев.
Hi! Today me and my little daughter went to the park. I took some pictures of her that I'd like to share. Sofie is 9 and a half months now. She can already stand well and is learning to walk on her own. While I was taking photos, she bacame upset and I got this funny picture :)
Below are some older pictures of her. She was 8 and 7 months old when I took them.

Прелесть, а не девчонка!!! Красавица!
Ирина, спасибо большое! :)
She is a doll! Such sweet photos. My favorite is the third photo. The look on her face is precious!!!!....and it made ma laugh! Makes me miss the baby days now that my 3 daughters are grown! Enjoy, it flies by so quickly!
Thank you, Linda! Time really goes by very quickly. It seems she was just born and now she is already starting to walk. I'm trying to enjoy every moment. :)
She is so pretty...even with a pouty face! They grow up fast! Fun to take lots of photos while they are little! Sweet hugs to you both, Diane
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