Всем привет! :) Сегодня я не одна, а с двумя тильдами банными ангелами! Ростом куколки по 50 см. Хотела сделать одну, а в итоге получилось две, увлеклась наверное... :)
Вот парочка фотографий процесса, а дальше готовые куколки.
Вторая куколка уже в моём магазинчике на ЯМ. Посмотреть можно здесь: тык
Good evening/morning! :) I've just finished two new dolls. These are two tildas - bath angels. They are 50cm tall. I was going to make just one... but ended up with two! :) There are couple pictures of the process below, and lots of pictures of finished dolls.
И вторая куколка
And the second doll

They are both so sweet. You think of every detail in your dolls. I just looked at your sailor doll yesterday. I have one of the Tilda books now with the pattern of the doll and I would love to make my doll a sailor outfit. It's fun to sew dolls, isn't it? Have fun! Hugs, Diane
Thank you for your sweet comments, Diane! I think you should try to make tilda doll. They are very cute and will look great at any place in your house! :)
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